Sur Le Zinc

New Producer from Madiran -Domaine Laougué

Tucked into the foothills of the Pyrenees, Madiran is a hidden gem of a winemaking region that produces red, white, and sweet wines. This area features rolling hills, unspoiled nature, and a unique heritage, and the wines that come from here couldn’t be from anywhere else in France or the world. It is here, lying… READ MORE

Château Fosse-Sèche’s Commitment to Biodiversity

Few wineries impress with such an illustrious history as Château de Fosse-Sèche. First planted to vine by Benedictine monks in the 1200s, the Pire-Keller family established the modern incarnation of the estate in 1998. Situated near the tiny village of Brossay, two brothers, Adrien and Guillaume Pire, tend to the 45-hectare property with the utmost… READ MORE

The Remarkable Geology of the Agly Valley

The Remarkable Geology of the Agly Valley

Reading Time: 3 minutes Located in the larger IGP of the Côtes Catalanes, the Agly Valley is nestled in the foothills of the Corbieres Massif, an ancient mountain range in the pre-Pyrenees. Coming from the west, you descend into the valley on narrow mountain roads flanked on either side by sheer walls of white limestone…. READ MORE

Drinking Sans Soufre – You’ll Be All Right

Reading Time: 3 minutes At the risk of wading into a hotbed of controversy, it’s time to talk about sulfites. Much ink has been spilled as to whether sulfites cause headaches or other symptoms and equal amounts of effort have been put into marketing low-sulfite wine and its perceived health benefits. However, much of the… READ MORE

Rediscovering Sauvignon Blanc

Reading time: 4 minutes When scanning wine lists and scouring retail shelves, most people in the industry have their go-to’s, whether it’s high-acid Riesling, cult Beaujolais, or any other sought-after category of the moment. That’s not to say we do not color outside the lines, but I am certainly an acid hound all the way,… READ MORE

New Producer in the Southern Rhône – Domaine du Trapadis

Rasteau is an appellation that is close to Martine’s Wines President Greg Castells’ heart. This ancient winemaking region, long known for its Vins Doux Naturels, has recently begun to be acclaimed for its dry red wines as well, gaining full Cru status in 2010. Castells’ appreciation for these wines goes back to 1996, when, as… READ MORE

2021 Burgundy: A Small But Mighty Vintage

Reading time: 3 minutes In his summary of the 2021 vintage in Burgundy, wine critic Neal Martin provocatively proclaimed, “it is indisputably one of the most fiendishly complex, byzantine seasons I can recall.” The reasons for this are many, but chief among them was undeniably the weather. Save for a horde of locusts, it seemed… READ MORE

New Producer from Saint-Joseph – Thomas Farge

Located on hillside slopes just across the Rhône River from Hermitage, Saint-Joseph and its iconic granite soils are home to a variety of microclimates, all of which give this unsung appellation great diversity. When carefully crafted, these serious, age-worthy wines can go toe-to-toe with any of the more famous Rhône appellations. Saint-Joseph is also an… READ MORE

Gouffier’s Wines of the Côte Chalonnaise – Mercurey and Montagny

Covering about 5000 hectares that lie between the Côte de Beaune and the Mâconnais, the Côte Chalonnaise is an area that is stepping into its own. Boasting complex geography and a diversity of climats, ever more talented vigneron are taking up residence here, and the potential of this unique, 35-kilometer stretch of land becomes clearer by the day…. READ MORE

New York Distribution of Schatzi Wines

We are sharing the exciting news that starting March 1, 2023, Schatzi Wines will be distributed by Martine’s Wines in the state of New York. Dedicated to cultivating a focused selection of producers, Kevin Pike created Schatzi Wines in 2014 with encouragement from his good friend and business partner, Johannes Leitz. Today Schatzi comprises a… READ MORE