Muse Vintage Wines
Muse Vintage Wines
  • Dubbed “The Archivist” by Jancis Robinson, Philippe Gayral has spent nearly 30 years compiling a collection of some of the rarest fortified wines from the Roussillon.
  • By establishing relationships with winemaking families, Philippe was able to gain access to their personal reserves – wines that normally no one but the family and close friends would ever experience.
  • He founded Muse Vintage Wines in 2005 to showcase these special wines, inimitable rarities in the vinous world.
  • Wines are made in the traditional style, with long aging, fortification practices similar to those of Port wine, and aging in glass containers.
  • Phillipe is not only a collector, he is a historian, preserving this unique style of wine so that future generations can continue to enjoy its pleasures.

While working in the late 1990s for a co-op in the French Catalonian Roussillon region, Philippe Gayral visited many small family estates, uncovering the best fortified wines and grapes that populate Roussillon in the foothills of the Pyrénées. Perhaps his greatest discovery was the personal reserves most families kept in barrels for themselves – what the French call a “poire pour la soif” or “a pear for thirst” – often marking important years in family history or saved for rainy days or just to see how a particularly fine vintage would age.

Over the course of the last 20 years Philippe began buying these very special foudres, building up the largest collection of French Vin Doux Naturels in the world and eventually founded Muse Vintage Wines in 2005.

Called “the Archivist” by wine journalist Jancis Robinson, Philippe is passionate and meticulous. He has worked with the French government and authorities of the region to access all of the relevant information for each wine he is releasing, allowing him to precisely identify the family, origin and vintage from which the barrels came. These extremely refined, traditionally fortified wines represent the very best wines in the region, covering three appellations – Rivesaltes, Banyuls and Maury – with vintages spanning from 1874 to 1988.

Farming and vinification practices: Sustainable

Martine's Wines is the exclusive U.S. importer for Muse Vintage Wines except in LA, ME and TX.